Backyard Chickens

A permit is necessary to keep any wild or domestic animals of any kind, cats and dogs excepted, or to keep honeybees. Any person wishing to keep four or more adult dogs at a residence must first obtain a permit for a hobby kennel.

Report unreasonable loud noise by animals (i.e. dogs barking), lost & found pets or other animal control related issues. 

Wild & domestic animal permit application process:

  • Visit Newberg City Hall or complete the Wild/Domestic Animal Permit Application (Download) and submit at the Newberg City Hall
  • There is no cost for the permit
  • Permit approval requires an inspection to ensure that the keeping of the animal(s) does not interfere with the rights of others in the enjoyment of their property, peace, health and safety. See NMC 6.05 for more details.
    • The Code Enforcement Officer will follow up to schedule the inspection.

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Newberg Animal Shelter - 1591 S. Sandoz Rd, off Wynooski St
Chicken Coop