The City of Newberg contracted with Keller Associates to perform an infiltration and inflow (I&I) study to help prioritize collection system rehabilitation work that will reduce flows to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and potentially delay (or eliminate) some capacity-related capital improvements at the WWTP.

The City owns and operates a wastewater collection system that consists of over 80 miles of gravity pipelines, about five miles of wastewater force mains, eight pump stations, and over 1,600 manholes and 620 cleanouts. The 2007 Sewerage Master Plan Update identified high levels of I&I in the Dayton and Wynooski Basins. The pipelines in these basins are typically much older than the rest of the system, and many are clay pipes. Keller Associates reviewed lift station pumping records to verify that the Dayton and Wynooski basins were the basins of highest I&I and should be the primary area of focus for this study. The study included further pump station run time analysis, continuous flow monitoring, night-time monitoring, video inspection, and smoke testing as methods to identify excess I&I and prioritize pipeline rehabilitation/replacement projects for selected sections of these basins.