Only Rain in the Storm Drain!

Newberg stormwater drains to the Willamette River!

Remember, the Storm Drain is just for Rain.


Rain cleans the earth, nourishes plants and wildlife, and fortifies us. When it runs down your driveway it collects paint, dirt, oil, and fertilizer pollution.  Rain travels through chemicals spilled on the street and takes that pollution down the storm drain which leads into our rivers. A place where we fish and play. Eventually it soaks underground into the ground water we drink.

Help keep water safe in our community ~ Our health depends on clean water.

  • Direct car wash and pressure washer water away from paved surfaces
  • Fix leaks and properly dispose of household waste
  • Keep soil and landscape materials out of streets and storm drains

Click the topics below to learn more about ways you can help .

Spills and leaks can be dangerous to your family, pets, plants, and wildlife. 

Prevention is Key!  

    Keep unused containers closed tightly 

    Store materials indoors or under cover  

    Never use storm drains, gutters, ditches, or rain swale for disposal 

    Keep waste container lids closed and check the ground for spills and trash

Oil  Gas  Antifreeze  Paint  Pesticides  Cleaners  Disinfectants  Sewage  Fertilizer  Gray-water tanks

Report anyone tampering with or putting ANYTHING into a storm drain or street sewer.
Call 503-537-1234 day  or night  503-538-8321 !

Looking to hire a landscape service?

Ask your landscape contractor to use these practices to help protect our waters, our environment, and your loved ones.  Why ?  Best Management Practices (BMPs) protect both our steams, underground drinking water, and prevent clogs in the stormwater facilities.  BMPs make a difference protecting our waters, properties, and public health.

Best Management Practices:

  • Do not blow or sweep trash, yard debris, soil or chemicals into street. Unlike some Oregon cities, Newberg does not collect leaves blown into the streets.  
    • Collect and properly dispose of these materials in yard debris bins.
    • Waste Management can provide extra bins during the fall. 
  • Compost  Yard Debris. 
  • Inspect and safely clean your landscape,rain gardens, and swales to ensure they operate properly.
  • Mow high, often, and with sharp blades.
  • Store fertilizers and other chemicals under cover.
  • Purchase the right size of chemicals needed for your site - avoid waste of leftover chemicals.
  • Use best Pest Management Practices.   For more information visit: Oregon Dept. Ag Tips for Pests
  • Adjust sprinklers to minimize overspray ~ don't water the sidewalks.
  • It is not allowed to pile landscaping material (e.g., dirt, bark chips, sand gravel) in the roadway or sidewalk.
  • Roots hold soil in place. Prevent erosion by planting slopes with native ground cover plants.

Find more information & flyers below for Food Service Best Practices and RV Waste Disposal.

Questions? WE Can Help!  Email: