Suggest a title

Suggest a Title for Purchase

Do you have a suggestion for a library material to be purchased? We welcome ideas and suggestions for items to be purchased. Please note that while we try to accommodate all types of requests, we are unable to purchase every title that is suggested.

How to suggest a title for purchase:

1. Please check our catalog to see if the Newberg Public Library or another library      within our cooperative (CCRLS) owns the title. Check the catalog here.
2. If you cannot find the title in the catalog, please complete the form below. 
3. Please take a look at our Collection Development Policy to see the parameters        that our selectors follow.

Thank you for taking the time to suggest a title. Your input is valuable and will be considered in accordance with current selection criteria.

First and last name
Requests without a valid library card will not be considered.
Format *
Select all that apply.
Audience *
Select all that apply.