Mapping our History image

Led by Dr. Caitlin Corning (History), Rachel Thomas (Archives/Library), Jenny Bruxvoort (Library), and Rob Felton (Executive Communication) of George Fox University, Mapping Our History is a digital humanities project involving digitally mapping the downtown with overlays that will identify historic land use, structures, events, and artifacts to tell the story of the city.

This project features the Newberg Collection held in the George Fox University archives and museum which includes photographs, business records, artifacts, historic newspapers, and university publications. Students answered the question “How has the land use of downtown Newberg changed over time and what does this reveal about the community identity?” Selected students located information in the archival collections, conducted research on specific locations, and created mapping overlays that include images and research. 
The information is now displayed in maps available to the entire community.

See the Map of our History on the GFU Website