NDPD Police Department

Two Newberg-Dundee Police (NDPD) officers attended camp (on their own vacation time start July 24th through July 29th) as camp counselors for kids ages 9 through 11 that come from all over the state of Oregon. Over the years, many Yamhill County youth have benefited from their attendance at this camp designed for low income youth around the state who reside in state subsidized housing. It is a week of being a kid, new experiences, new friendships, and bonding.

Camp Rosenbaum is a joint effort between Oregon Air National Guard, Portland Police and Home Forward (formerly Housing Authority of Oregon). Many law enforcement agencies outside of Portland Police have become active over the years to include NDPD. NDPD Officer Howell has attended 11 years and Sgt. Johns have attended 12 years as counselors. "Until the last day of camp, the youth have no idea what we do for our full time jobs. It has proven to be an invaluable experience to both Officer Howell and I, personally and professionally”, according to Sgt. Johns.

The camp began with General Fred Rosenbaum’s dream over 40 years ago. Those that are involved truly believe it changes the lives of these kids and sends them away with new life skills and new outlooks on life.

For more information regarding Camp Rosenbaum, please go to camprosenbaum.org.

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Time to fish
Fish on
Camp Rosenbaum 2016
Camp Rosenbaum 2016
Camp Rosenbaum 2016
Camp Rosenbaum 2016
Camp Rosenbaum 2016
Camp Rosenbaum 2016
Camp Rosenbaum 2016
Camp Rosenbaum 2016
Camp Rosenbaum 2016
Camp Rosenbaum 2016
Camp Rosenbaum 2016
Camp Rosenbaum 2016
Camp Rosenbaum 2016
Camp Rosenbaum 2016
Camp Rosenbaum 2016