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Use your shopping Cents

  • Shop during daylight hours.
  • Shop with a friend or family member.
  • Don't set your purse down or leave it unattended.
  • Keep your purse close to your body and don't let it dangle by its straps.
  • Keep an eye on your purchases.  Shopping bags are often taken from shopping carts, benches and restrooms, if left unattended.
  • Keep receipts in your wallet or purse.  A thief who snatches a shopping bag can quickly return it for cash, if the receipt has been left in the bag.
  • Don't carry large amounts of cash and/or credit cards.  Carry only what you need.
  • Be alert to "shoulder surfers" (those who seek to obtain your account /pin numbers by looking over your shoulder at an ATM machine or store checkout).


  • Use ATMs during daylight hours.
  • Use ATMs in populated areas.
  • Use drive-up ATMs.


  • Resist the temptation to get into confrontations with other drivers over parking spaces.
  • If you shop at night, park in a well-lit area.
  • Conceal packages or other items of value, preferably in the trunk.
  • NEVER leave children in a vehicle unattended.  If you choose to stay in your vehicle, remember to lock your doors.
  • ALWAYS lock your vehicle doors, even if you're only going to be gone for a few minutes.

Returning to your Vehicle

  • Have your keys out before entering the parking area and be ready to unlock your door.
  • Be aware of your surroundings as you walk toward your vehicle.
  • As you approach your vehicle, glance underneath it.
  • Take a quick look  inside your vehicle (front and back) before entering it.


  • While shopping, make eye contact and say "hello" to those around you.  Thieves don't want to be noticed.
  • Be alert to thieves who work in teams.  One will distract you, while the others takes your wallet, purse or shopping bags.
  • Watch for people who are loitering in parking lots, looking in vehicles or trying to open the doors of different vehicles.

What if you're approached or attacked

  • RUN!
  • Scream for HELP!

What if your wallet or purse is stolen

  • REPORT it to your bank and credit card companies, IMMEDIATELY!  Most thieves will use your credit cards and checks within the first few hours of a theft.

Have a fun but safe summer

Our kids our getting out of school, the nicer weather will be upon us and more outside activities will fill our lives.

As summertime approaches, the Newberg-Dundee Police Department wants to remind parents of a few potential dangers to be mindful of that can subject our children to injury, or worse.

Please remember that  little ones can and do move quickly.  Their age and physical abilities often exceed their cognitive abilities that can get them into situations that then exceed their physical abilities.  Please be cautious with children around wading pools, full size pools and water features.  Do not let them play outside unattended in the vicinity of pools or water features.  If such things are around your home, please remember to secure your doors and windows such that little ones can't "escape" without your knowledge.  While playing in pools, toddlers and young children must be constantly monitored and if appropriate, a life vest should be worn.

To avoid the hazard of falling from heights, remember to secure window screens so that they are not easily pushed out by the wight of  a child.  Preferably, keep all things that can be easily climbed upon or moved by a child away form windows.  If you do open your windows, open them slightly and secure them in that position so that a child cannot fit between the window and the window frame.

If you are working on your car or boat or moving them about in your driveway or property, please first be certain as to where your child is.  Be sure that he or she is not near your expected path and that the child's location can be monitored at all times.  Often times, children, especially toddlers, cannot be seen from the inside of a vehicle.

While taking your child on a walk or exiting a store, remember that children often act before they think and can easily run ahead of you and into a parking lot or street into the path of a moving vehicle.  Do not let your child run too far ahead of you, so that you are always within a reasonable distance to react to sudden movements your child may make, toward a street or parking lot.  Be cautious of driveway entrances and exits.

Insure your child is aware of the dangers that side streets, driveways and poor visibility presents to them while riding their bicycles and skateboard. Helmets are a must.