Type I development actions shall be decided by the director without public notice or public hearing. Notice of a decision shall be provided to the applicant. (NM CODE)

Click here to fill out a Type I Application

Type I Applications cover all of the following:
  •  Code Adjustments:
    (a)Yard setback dimensions, lot area, percentage of lot coverage, lot dimensions.
    ​​​​​1.Setbacks/street trees– Maximum adjustment of 25 percent of the dimensional standards for front yard setback        requirements and the spacing of street trees.
    2. Lot area– Maximum adjustment of 5 percent of the lot area required. A lot area adjustment shall not be granted thereby allowing a greater number of dwelling units than that permitted without the adjustment.
    3. Percentage of lot coverage– Maximum adjustment of two percent more than permitted for all land uses except the       maximum parking area coverage for R-3 Districts may be increased up to 50 percent
    4. Lot dimensions– Maximum of 10 percent of the required lot dimensions of frontages.

    (b)Interior yard setback requirements in residential zones.Except for lots designated as “zero lot line lots”, the director may approve an adjustment in the interior yard requirements so that a distance not less than 3 ft is maintained.
    (c)Dimensional standards and minimum number of off-street parkingspaces.The director may approve adjustments to the dimensional standards of off-street parking spaces; standards for the minimum number of off-street parking spaces; and required spaces to be used for compact cars excepting handicapped parking requirements.(d)Vision clearance requirements on corner lots.Vision clearance requirements on corner lots may be waived by the director.
  • Minor Design Review:
    (a) Accessory Dwelling Units (Attached or Detached)
    (b) Cottage Cluster developments
    (c) Institutional, commercial, or industrial additions which do not exceed 1,000 square feet in gross floor area
    (d) Multi-family additions which do not exceed 1,000 square feet in gross floor area and do not add any new units, or new construction incidental to the main use on an existing developed site
    (e) Institutional, commercial, or industrial interior remodels which do not exceed 25% of the assessed valuation of the existing structure.
    (f) Multi-family remodels which do not exceed 25% of the assessed valuation of the existing structure and do not add any new units.
    (g) Signs:which are not installed in conjunction with a new development or remodel.
    (h) Modifications, paving, landscaping, re-striping, or re-grading of an existing duplex, multi-family, institutional, commercial or industrial parking lot.
    (i) Fences and trash enclosures.
  • Property Line Adjustments
  • Type1 Decision Minor Modification 
    Retain consistency with the general layout and pattern of the approved plan and do not modify an element of the approved plan by a quantifiable standard of greater than 10 percent.
  • Type I Decision Major Modification
    Request of changes to the approved preliminary plat or conditions of approval may  be deemed Major Modifications if it is modified more than 10% and at the determination of the director
  • Home Occupation BL:
    Review of businesses that are run out of a residence
  • Other: (Explain) Any Type 1 not Specifically Listed