cost of bottles info graphic showing that bottles cost up to $115.45 more per month

Water bottles are recyclable, however 3 out of 4 bottles are sent to the landfill. When you factor in the cost  to you and the environment, the choice is clear that tap water is safer, more energy-efficient, and easier on your budget.

Research and read labels carefullyBottled at the local source often means tap water.  99% of the price that you pay is for the bottle.  

Be a wise consumer before you pick up bottled water just because the label looks like an alpine mountain. Think about how often you dispose of plastic bottles and calculate your cost for bottled water vs tap water in reusable containers.

But I want it to taste great!?  
Filter your water or chill it first to keep it consistent.  Dish soap, required disinfection, particles in your pipes and ground temperature all affect the taste.  You have the power to drink water from home that tastes as good as store bought water for 80% less cost.  

Recent studies have been published showing that plastic particles are accumulating in our bodies from repeated use of plastic bottles. 

So grab a stainless steel or glass bottle and save money, the environment and your health.

