Image of a street paving machine paving a street

What is TUF?

  • The City of Newberg has over 65.5 miles paved streets plus 4 miles of gravel roadways. 
  • Roads are the City’s largest asset with a replacement value of $150 million.
  • In 2016, the condition of the roads ranged from poor ⇔ good. 
  • Age and continued deterioration already exceeded the available funds to maintain the aging roads.

In 2017, City Council adopted a Transportation Utility Fee (TUF)  to generate approximately $1.2 million annually for road maintenance. 

Current list of City projects can be viewed here

ODOT managed projects can be found at these links:   BYPASS Project 2023   |   College St North/Hwy219 2023

TUF Form

Any Person desiring a waiver must submit an application on the city forms and submit not less than 14 days prior to the billing date of the period for which the waiver be applied. Persons requesting a waiver must document that they meet the criteria and pay any accociated application fee.


Find the answers to most commonly ask questions regarding Newberg's TUF.


In 2016, the City explored revenue options to improve deteriorating roads. An Ad-Hoc Advisory Committee was formed with 14 representatives from local businesses, residents, non-profits, the school district, and others who use the roads formed to