Zoning Map of Newberg

Click here to view the interactive city map.  The interactive map uses many of the same tools as GIS to find information about a parcel. 

To get started, click on the binoculars icon on the left hand side and then enter the numerical part of the address you are looking for (for example, if looking for 414 First Street, just enter the 414 part into the search box.  You will then be able to scroll through a list of addresses that have the number 414 until you find the correct one to click on).  Once you click on the correct address listing, the map will zoom to that parcel.  Use the icon that looks like an i with a circle around it to find information about the parcel.  On the right hand side of the map there are different layers you may use to find information - whichever layer is active (has the black dot filled in) is the layer you will be able to get information from. 

There is also a link called "Tool Help" on the left side of the map that you may use to get more information about all the icons and how to use them.