Asago City Logo

The City of Newberg’s first sister city relationship was with Wadayama, Japan (now part of Asago City, Japan) in 2000. Due to the changes to the city of Wadayama in February 6, 2007 the relationship was reestablished between the City of Newberg and the new Asago City by signing a new agreement between Asago City Mayor Hidetoshi Inoue and Newberg Mayor Bob Andrew.

The agreement pledged both cities to support the exchange of information to enhance student and community members; the sharing of the unique culture and sports of each city and country; the use of problem solving experiences; the development of information and relationships between each city’s local industries; and the continuation of the exchange program for students and community members. 

A brief history of the sister city relationship with Asago City, Japan is linked to this webpage below. The City of Newberg looks forward to continuing to strengthen the relationship in the years to come.

View the video below to see some of the gifts Newberg has received from Asago City. A special thanks to Kuniko Kurisu and Kyoko Shinoharo along with Hyogo Kenjinkai, Yoko Goto, Cantlin Tomoko, Chieko Mayor, Lihua Chen Vogler, Rumiko Federico, and Kurisu International that helped with the translations in the video.